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【论文笔记】Building An Elastic Query Engine on Disaggregated Storage


Snowflake decouple compute and persistent storage, providing warehousing as a service. It is in production for over 7 years.

Shared-nothing cause hardware-workload mismatch



Intermediate data is generated by query operators (e.g., joins) and is usually consumed by nodes participating in executing that query. It is short-lived, and prefer low-latency high-throughput access.

As nodes are added and removed, the ephemeral storage system does not require data repartitioning or reshuffling. Tasks executing query operations (e.g., joins) on a given compute node write intermediate data locally; and, tasks consuming the intermediate data read it either locally or remotely over the network (depending on the node where the task is scheduled).

Ephemeral storage system


  • Persistent storage - easy, offloaded to S3
  • Compute - easy, pre-warmed pool of VMs
  • Ephemeral storage - challenging, due to co-location with compute

Lazy consistent hashing - elasticity without data re-shuffle

Key finding:

  • Customers submit a wide variety of query types.
  • Intermediate data sizes can vary over multiple orders of magnitude across queries.
  • Even with a small amount of local storage capacity, skewed access distributions and temporal access patterns common in data warehouses enable reasonably high average cache hit rates (60-80% depending on the type of query) for persistent data accesses.
  • Several of our customers exploit our support for elasticity (for 20% of the clusters).
  • Peak resource utilization can be high, the average resource utilization is usually low.


  • M. Vuppalapati, J. Miron, R. Agarwal, D. Truong, A. Motivala, and T. Cruanes, “Building an elastic query engine on disaggregated storage,” in 17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 20), 2020, pp. 449–462. Accessed: Oct. 02, 2023. [paper] [video]
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