



具体latex项目示例见github仓库ECNU-Thesis-Proposal,下面是一些踩坑的总结。 简单跨页长表格 使用mdframed包适合实现下图可跨页的简单表格样式,且在单元格内依旧像正文一样,方便得调整样式和正常使用 figure,enumerate等功能,不需要额外的调整样式去匹配。这些是普通的表格 tabularx和 跨页表格(longtable、 xltabular)...

MacOS通过QEMU启动openEuler RISC-V

安装qemu 安装依赖: brew install gawk gnu-sed gmp mpfr libmpc isl zlib expat 安装qemu: brew install qemu 下载openEuler的镜像 从网站中选择版本,这里我选择了openEuler-23.09-V1-riscv64(网址) 如果想要桌面系统,记得下载带有xfce的 保证当前目录下有一...

解决MacOS上zsh在git add时tab补全卡住的问题

问题描述 在MacOS上,通过zsh在git仓库中使用git add命令并用tab键补全路径时卡住。 尝试Git tab completion not working in zsh on mac - stackoverflow排名靠前的方法无效。之前使用Warp新的终端工具来绕过这个问题。 解决方案 根据stackoverflow上2024最新的回答,在~/.zshrc中添加: #...


linux-system()函数 小结: system执行命令的期间主进程收到的SIGINT和SIGQUIT会被忽略(posix.1规定),原因是posix不希望主进程响应system子进程的SIGINT和SIGQUIT信号 非阻塞版本:popen() Do not use system() from a program with set-user-ID or set-gro...

【论文笔记】Billion-scale similarity search with GPUs

Brief In this paper, Faiss aims to utilize GPUs for similar search find workload by a design of k-selection. It is based on the method of product quantization (PQ) codes, which origin proposal is ...

【论文笔记】Automatic Database Knob Tuning: A Survey

Brief The key idea of automatic knob tuning is that, with the help of machine learning techniques, it is reasonable to collect knob tuning data, leverage these data to train a knob tuning model, a...

【论文笔记】Building An Elastic Query Engine on Disaggregated Storage

Brief Snowflake decouple compute and persistent storage, providing warehousing as a service. It is in production for over 7 years. Design Intermediate data is generated by query operators (e...

【论文笔记】Polynesia: Enabling High-Performance and Energy-Efficient Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Databases with Hardware/Software Co-Design

Brief Nowadays, many applications need to perform real-time data analysis using an HTAP system. An ideal HTAP system should have three properties: Data freshness and consistency. Workload-sp...

【论文分享】Pando: Enhanced Data Skipping with Logical Data Partitioning

Learned Layouts Qd-tree MTO Pando Results *dip: Data-induced predicates is a concept in the database field that uses data statistics to convert predicates...